New Resident

The New Residents Magazine’s intent is to share success stories from the resettled community in Aotearoa New Zealand. It recognises those who have navigated positive education and employment pathways over the years, to highlight potential avenues to successful settlement. The magazine aims to provide a voice for new residents who have arrived as humanitarian entrants under the Refugee Quota Programme and Family Reunification Category. These new arrivals come with the legal status of permanent residence. Letting them know their rights and entitlements, including their identity, and their obligations as permanent residents of Aotearoa New Zealand, highlights the significant change from refugee status to that of a permanent resident. Further, the magazine aims to encourage financial independence, and emphasises the importance of finding a job and not being dependent on the government social welfare system.


The primary audience for the magazine is the new residents and resettled community who arrived under the Refugee Quota Programmes with permanent residence status and through the Family Reunification Category with a Residence Visa. The secondary audience is resettlement-focused service providers and local neighbourhoods. The magazine aims to acknowledge and highlight each individual’s right to their new status and the importance of understanding the change from being a refugee to becoming a permanent resident or citizen. It also sets out to further educate the resettled community in appreciating who they are, clarifying the reality of their new life, and supporting them in the process of settlement and integration by highlighting the challenges and opportunities that can influence the shift to a positive mindset.

New Resident Magazine Volume 04

New Resident Magazine Volume 03

New Resident Magazine Volume 02

New Resident Magazine Volume 01