The Member Leadership Network (MLN)is a platform that unites representatives and leaders from our resettled community member organisations. It facilitates monthly networking meetings to discuss settlement, integration related opportunities, challenges, and to receive ARCC updates. . This platform also provides the opportunity for community representatives to vote on the ARCC matters that affect them.

MLN encourages the leaders of our member groups to discuss the issues affecting their communities, and work together to identify solutions to improve integration in Aotearoa.
As a coalition, our organisation thrives on regular communication between our member communities. We encourage leaders from each community organisation to meet on a monthly basis for discussions, meals, and information sessions. Member Leadership Network is for the leaders of member associations. We welcome three leaders from each community association to come gather each month.

Our meetings and events are free.
Examples of meetings over the past year:

· Needs Assessment Survey
· ARCC Leadership Coaching
· Importance of Election,Voting & Exercising Democarcy Rights
· Importance of Storytelling

If you are interested in joining our Member Leadership Network meetings, please check out our social media channels for more information as we post all our upcoming programmes updates.

Member Leadership Network (MLN) Gallery