Community Organisation Membership Form Te Puka Rēhitatanga mō te Whakaurunga ki te Rōpū Hapori Interested member organizations are required to provide the following information along with the letter of expression and confirmation of the organization’s representatives details. Legal Name of Community Organisation: Address of Community Organisation: Person 1: Name of Contact Person 1: Phone: Email: Address: Person 2: Name of Contact Person 2: Phone: Email: Address: Person 3: Name of Contact Person 3: Phone: Email: Address: Checklist Is your organisation led by a resettled community background and serving forced migrants and migrants? YESNO Is your organisation a New Zealand based Incorporated Society, Charity or Trust? YESNO Have you submitted a letter of interest in joining ARCC for membership? YESNO Have you nominated 3 representatives from your organisation? YESNO